Hope Inspired CIC
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policy
Policy statement
At Hope inspired, we aim to create a safe and welcoming environment for anyone who engages with us, either as a volunteer, employee, director, external partner, independent contractor or customer.
We recognise that in society certain groups or individuals are denied equality on the grounds of protected characteristics laid out in the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
We also recognise that individuals cannot be pigeon-holed into singular demographics because they will have multiple, overlapping identities that place them in different marginalised groups. This intersectionality will create distinct experiences and outcomes and may lead to discrimination on multiple fronts.
As part of our stated value-base, we make a commitment to:
engaging with others without judging
responding to everyone with empathy, kindness and respect
recognising the worth and dignity of each person, regardless of their background, beliefs and choices.
The above commitment forms the foundation of this policy and guides our daily actions and decisions. It is expected that everyone at Hope Inspired will behave in a professional manner, treating others with courtesy, respect and consideration. We are committed to fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Unacceptable behaviour, including bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation - including but not limited to the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 – will not be tolerated and may result in formal disciplinary action for staff and removal of volunteers/directors from their positions. Similarly, customers accessing our services would not be allowed to remain on our programmes if, despite requests to cease unacceptable behaviour, they continued.
Scope of Policy
This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, directors, external contractors and members of the general public who use our services.
Why Equity?
Traditionally, the word Equality has been used; increasingly it is being replaced with the word Equity, which is our preferred terminology at Hope Inspired.
Equity differs from the word Equality in a subtle but important way: while equality assumes everyone should be treated the same, equity takes into consideration each individual’s unique circumstances, needs and wishes, adjusting the treatment accordingly, so the end result is equal.
DEI in practice
At an everyday, practical level the following behaviours and practices demonstrate our commitment to inclusion:
Asking those who engage with us how they would like us to address them
Recognising that not everyone who engages with us will want to share personal information about their lifestyle and there should be no obligation on them to do so
Mentoring our volunteers to raise awareness and knowledge around DEI issues so they are better informed about current theory and practice
Not scheduling training events and programmes during school holidays as this may exclude and disadvantage parents/carers who would otherwise be able to attend whilst children were in school
Working towards providing support with childcare during term time so parents/carers with pre-school age children are not excluded from our events
Having interpreters at training events and programmes to ensure all participants can fully engage - Collaborating with like-minded partner organisations to develop projects that promote inclusion
Regularly raising DEI matters during our coffee mornings to raise awareness amongst the community.
As our organisation grows and we recruit staff, we will ensure:
there is a diverse workforce which reflects and represents the communities we work with
the needs and wishes of our employees in respect of their protected characteristics are discussed, recorded and implemented at the start of their employment with us
DEI awareness, and our expectations in respect of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, starts at induction and is embedded into all learning and development activities, including team meetings and supervisions
all directors, staff and volunteers receive training on anti-racist practice
training events, meetings and employee supervisions are scheduled at times which allow staff with caring responsibilities to meet their obligations
a flexible approach to holidays so staff can have time off for religious celebrations
the next time this policy is reviewed, there is input from our staff, volunteers and customers.
If things go wrong
We have a Comments and Complaints form that is given to those who attend our services or who may engage with us during marketing events. Whilst not referring specifically to DEI matters, it requests feedback about how the participant considers they have been treated by us and if there is anything they would like us to have done differently to make them feel valued. This is an opportunity for our customers to make a suggestion or raise a complaint if they are not happy about our conduct. The form also provides contact details of the Founder/Director so they can be contacted directly to discuss any concerns.
Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed and, if necessary, updated in March 2024.