Water Lilies
At Hope Inspired, we love water lilies and the lily pads they float on!
So graceful and elegant…
Blooming in a rainbow of colours…
Floating effortlessly on the surface of the water, whilst deeply anchored by their roots to the bottom of the pond.
We love that the root of the waterlily lies hidden under dark, muddy waters…and yet…from this grows a stem and a lily pad that eventually hosts a stunning flower, exquisite and bright!
Just like the water lily, women at Hope Inspired may come from humble, murky beginnings, unsure of what lays ahead. Once here, we discover the underlying strength and resilience that enables us to bloom, striving towards our brightest vision for ourselves. On this journey, which is not without its challenges, our values keep us grounded and guide our daily choices. We support one another in our resolve to stay anchored in our purpose and to seek success…whatever success may look like for us.
We appreciate too, the long and flexible stems which allow water lilies to adjust their height based on the water’s depth...a feature that helps the flowers adapt to changing water levels and survive in different habitats. The need to adapt resonates with us, since our external world is forever changing.
Change sometimes comes without warning, pulling the rug from under our feet and leaving us lost and bewildered. Our personal experience has taught us that we have deep within us a hidden treasure to help us navigate through and heal the pain thrust upon us by unwanted change – our personal qualities, strengths and wisdom. Some of us may need help to uncover our internal treasure and this might seem daunting if the idea of an inner resource is new to us!
Through our programmes, we support participants to dig deep and access their inner strength and wisdom so they can heal, grow and thrive! And while we journey together, we embrace and celebrate our intrinsic beauty, strength and resilience…qualities we share with the waterlilies we so admire.