Hope Inspired CIC
Health And Safety Statement and Policy
At Hope Inspired CIC, we are committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all individuals involved in our programmes. This includes staff, volunteers, participants, directors, contractors and visitors.
We deliver our services across various community locations and venues, so this policy outlines how we maintain health and safety standards in all environments where our activities take place. We will only use venues that offer a good standard of cleanliness and hygiene as well as adequate safety provision (eg – safe access and exit routes, fire alarms).
Khairun Butt (Director) has overall responsibility for Health and Safety at Hope Inspired and can be contacted at khairun@hopeinspired.co.uk.
The purpose of this policy is to:
Protect the health and safety of all individuals connected to Hope Inspired
Ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation
Provide guidelines for managing risks associated with delivering in different settings.
This policy applies to:
All staff, volunteers, participants, directors, contractors and visitors involved in our activities
All venues where Hope Inspired is delivering a service.
Legal Requirements
The following UK legal frameworks are relevant to our health and safety obligations:
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended)
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
The Equality Act 2010
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013
A broad overview of each framework can be found at the end of this document.
Directors at Hope Inspired ensure:
This policy and associated procedures are implemented successfully within the organisation
Up to date Public Liability Insurance and Employers’ Liability insurance is maintained at all times
All staff and volunteers are aware of their obligations under the Health and Safety Policy
Training in respect of the policy starts at induction and continues thereafter
Risk assessments are conducted at each location to identify potential hazards
First aid equipment is available, and a named First Aider will be on duty at each location
Venues provide confirmation of all necessary safety features being in place (eg – fire alarms)
Staff/volunteers at each venue are advised of emergency procedures – fire and evacuation
Each venue is accessible for all participants
All equipment, seating and other materials at each venue are fit for purpose
The needs of any vulnerable participants are assessed to ensure safety during events/sessions.
Staff and volunteers at Hope Inspired are required to:
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
Complete all training provided in respect of Health and Safety
Ensure they are aware of health and safety measures at each location
Follow safety procedures at all times
Participate in risk assessments
Report promptly any health and safety hazards and incidents to management
Ensure participants are made aware of health and safety measures (eg – evacuation procedure)
Provide adequate supervision of participants at events and activities
Ensure sessions/events are only attended by individuals 18 and over.
Participants are expected to:
Act in ways that ensure their safety and the safety of others
Participate in risk assessments
Follow any instructions provided by management, staff and volunteers
Not bring anyone under the age of 18 to any activities or events being delivered by Hope Inspired.
Independent contractors are expected to:
Adhere to this Health and Safety policy at all times they are delivering services on our behalf
Provide copies of relevant qualifications, accreditations and training prior to delivering a service
Provide proof of professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
Reporting Incidents
All accidents, injuries or near misses are reported promptly to Khairun Butt and an Incident Log completed. Wherever necessary, steps are taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. Serious incidents would be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as required by RIDDOR regulations.
Staff and Volunteer Wellbeing
At Hope Inspired we recognise our duty of care towards our staff and volunteers. We therefore include consideration of staff/volunteer well-being within our Health and Safety Policy. We strive to create a supportive and healthy environment, ensuring staff and volunteers feel valued and cared for as they deliver our services.
We believe that supporting wellbeing reduces stress, enhances job satisfaction and prevents burnout, which ultimately leads to a safer, healthier and more productive environment.
To support staff/volunteer wellbeing within the overall umbrella of Health and Safety, we:
Hold regular one-to-one check-ins so everyone has a voice and can discuss any concerns
Maintain clear and open channels of communication between the directors, staff and volunteers
Provide coaching to support personal growth, including strategies for managing stress
Monitor workload to ensure no one feels overwhelmed
Actively encourage team events that foster a sense of belonging and community
Provide access, through our partners, to mental health resources and support
Recognise and celebrate the efforts of our staff and volunteers so they feel valued and supported.
The above actions are part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding the physical and mental health of our team and align with our legal duties and moral obligations to create a safe, healthy and supporting environment.
The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed and, if necessary, updated by the end of September 2025.
Legal Requirements:
The Health and Safety at work Act 1974 places a duty on us to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of staff and volunteers and those who use our services.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require us to carry out risk assessments, implement effective measures and provide adequate training and information to staff and volunteers.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 ensures that fire risk assessments are conducted at the venues we use, and appropriate fire safety procedures are in place.
The Equality Act 2010 ensures we take the necessary steps to make our services accessible to individuals with disabilities, as well as providing a safe environment free from discrimination.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 require us to report certain workplace accidents, diseases or dangerous incidents to the Health and Safety Executive.